I’ve been taking photographs for about 16 years now. In fact it was a pure fluke that I even started at all. After being involved in a fairly innocuous car accident I had actually sustained a neck injury. I never went back to the job I loved. To stop myself going stir crazy I was going for short walks and taking my fairly old compact camera. I didn’t know it at the time but this was how photography helped me through this period of injury.
It was by pure chance I stepped into paid photography jobs but it’s afforded me some incredible opportunities. I’ve always been creative and to a certain extent wedding photography seemed like a dream job. All the pretty stuff, capturing the smaller details and being a part of one couples special day is a privilege. After a while it all starts to look the same (thanks Pinterest) and sucks away all the personality and creativity.
Photographing nature
Lets go back to the days of short walks with a compact camera.
I was unable to walk far but wanted to be outdoors as much as possible. It became apparent that I was drawn to the small things. The details that many people don’t see. Ladybirds in amongst the leaf litter or dew on gorse petals, all attracted my attention.

Without knowing it, photographing nature forced me to slow down. Forced me to stop, look and listen. Forced me to take in my surroundings. Exactly the kind of mindfulness photography I now enjoy on a daily basis.
Before I knew it I was upgrading and expanding my camera kit. Learning to use my camera manually was definitely frustrating. It gave me something to focus on (no pun intended).

Photographing Scotland
We’ve been living in Perthshire for nearly 8 years now and we’ve done a lot of travelling across Scotland. Whilst the wild and rugged landscapes hold my attention, I’m still drawn to the small things.
When I’m looking for wee beasties to photograph I’m not thinking about household chores, emails I have yet to reply to nor any other adulting business! My mind is quiet and yet focused.
Focused on watching, learning and photographing my subject.

Mindfulness Photography Tours
Because of the serenity and sense of wellbeing I gain from my woodland walks and I also offer Mindfulness Photography sessions in and around Perth. I am sure many of us would benefit from these sessions.
A photo session with a difference. One that concentrates on stillness, focus with minimal effort.
Until then you can check out our Instagram to see all the types of beasties, fungi, trees and everything in between that I like photographing all year round.

How photography helped me
That’s the short version of how photography helped me. I’ll share more of my experiences when you join us on a mindfulness session. We hope to see you soon.